Inflammation of the gingival and bone structures surrounding the teeth is defined as Periodontitis. The tooth structure consists of a root in the bone structure and a crown in the mouth. In addition, the root is stable thanks to the thin fibers in the bone.
Gingivitis affects the bone tissue and also the gums seen in the mouth. If the problem in the gums is not treated, this problem also affects healthy teeth and causes teeth to loosen.
Gum disease is called gingivitis in its early stages. Slight redness may occur during this process. Some symptoms of gingivitis:
- Gum bleeding spontaneously or while brushing teeth,
- Distorted, curved tooth structure,
- Loosening of teeth,
- Taste disturbance in the mouth,
- Swollen and red gums,
- Bad breath in the mouth, and so on.
If you have gum problems, our clinic offers you healthy solutions with its professional teams and helps you live a better and happier life.

Gummy Smile
Receding gum is one of the most common problem in oral and dental health. It can occur at any age. Many people may not realize that they are receding during this process. Because the receding process is not fast, but very slow. The causes of the problem are various. If you have doubts, you should consult your dentist.
Gummy Smile is the appearance of more gums than normal when laughing or talking. In this case, the impression is that the teeth are larger than their original state. There are many reasons, but some of the reasons are as follows;
- As a result of some hypertension drugs, the gingival enlargement over time,
- Inflammation due to gum diseases,
- Growing of the bone in the outer part of the upper part of the jaw,
- The vertical growth of the upper part of the chin,
- Smallness of the tooth height,
- Thinness of the upper lip,
- Hypermobile state of the upper muscle,
- In these cases, there are preferred methods.
Some of these are gingivectomy and apically repositioned flap operations with or without bone resection. Thus, the gingival tissue is removed and the gingival level is adjusted in the anterior teeth.
Within the application of Gummy Smile, while the crown length is extended, operations are performed for the crookedness of the crown lengths. While symmetry is given to the gums, the length of the front teeth is also increased.
How to Treat Gummy Smile?
Gummy Smile treatment is also applied specifically for the patient. Compatible plans are made by acting in accordance with the profile of each person.
First of all, the patient’s gum health is examined. If there is a problem in the gums, it is necessary to solve it first. Similarly, if the patient has dental tartar, they should also be cleaned. After all problems are resolved, surgical procedures begin. Meanwhile, gingivectomy and gingivoplasty can be used together.